Wednesday, 5 August 2009


Is it weird to feel..

Detached when you know someone loves you
Estranged when you are very well taken care of
Lonely when the world is around u
Insane when everything is going right
Uncomfortable in your own skin
Loud in the quiet of the night
Restless in the wee hours of morning
Annoyed at nothing yet everything
Tears on your cheeks as you laugh
Miserable for hours..

And yet not know the reason?


Aviral Shrivastava said...

Not everything you mentioned..but yes, I can relate to quite a few. You write extremely well..keep up the good work

vimmuuu said... isnt weird. I feel all this all the time. and Im getting used to such feelings !!! :D :D :D

Anil Sawan said...

luvd the way u portrayed the comon reality. known yet so unique!

Adisha said...

Not weird !! Just plain normal ... well put though

Shaunak Mukherjee said...

quite a bit,'s the stuff we don't think of but stay at the back of our head.

Unknown said...

i connect to every single word written here...Loved it thoroughly!!!!

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Aviral:-Thanks so much:)

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Vimuuu:-so am i:D:D:D

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Sawan:-Thanks so much...long are you?

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Adisha:-Thanks girl:)

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Shaunak:-and then it decides to come forth:)

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@PAro:-thanks sweety:)

Lucifer said...

no actually its pretty common...

if v didnt feel this way we wudnt b humans

but y r v gettin such sad sad posts??

smile plz

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Mayz:-the post may be not..
i just tend to get into one of those thinking modes at times...and this is just the outcome:)

lena said...

so thoughtful.. said a lot in just few lines.

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Lena:-Thanks a lot:)
welcome to my blog:)

Unknown said...

philosophically, feeling the opposite is quite enlightening. It brings the awareness of "The Other".

Very good blog indeed. viisted first time. you write beautifully.

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Prafull:-Welcome to my blog...and thank you so much for the insightful comments...
keep visiting:)

Aniket Thakkar said...

"Annoyed at nothing yet everything"

Oh definitely living that one.

Mind is the only thing more mysterious than women. So it plays weird games and behaves in wonderous ways which we often fail to related to or understand. Alas, its the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of being human, being susceptible to emotions.

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Aniket:-totally agree with you on this one:)

ani_aset said...

I think yes :)
Everything need not have a reason

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Ani:-I agree..:)

akashthematrix said...

Hey girl...r these the new found symptoms of the so called Swine flu...

Now while tht one was supposed to be a joke...I feel sometimes when one is talking self, its gud to feel like "Just..." coz this gives some perspective to life...and u recharge the next day put on a mission called life!!!

अनिल कान्त said...

आप बहुत अच्छा लिखती हैं....मुझे अच्छा लगा पढ़कर

Unknown said...

Wow... That was really neat... I could relate to quite a few... well written.. I am blogrolling u right away! :D

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Akash:-lol:)...get the picture:)

santasizing...Fantasizing said...


santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@B:-thanks for dropping by and thanks a bunch for the blogroll

Anonymous said...

lot of unanswered questions in life ... :)

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Chriz:-yes...u bet!

Raj said...

heres another one.

dissapointed at being imperfect although there is no need to be perfect.
and um feeling loyal to someone just because you lied. :P

your thought process is kinda amazing. :P

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Scarlet:-i like that..we all struggle to be perfect when there's no need for it!!
thanks for the compliment:)

Anonymous said...

How can you describe such undescribable feeling..


santasizing...Fantasizing said...

@Ankush:-Welcome to my blog...:)
and thanks for the comment:)
sometimes when ur brain dead,expressions come out of the heart:)