Yesterday as I sat at Shivanis house and surfed channels, I got a dose of another bomb blast,at Mumbai…The last blast in Mumbai happened in the year 1993.This was when Mr. Dawood Ibrahim was the reason behind this havoc, this inhuman act against the good people of India.
Today, it seems to be “The Indian Mujahideen” who have created this wave of horror on our beloved city of blinding lights.
I sit here and seethe, no tremble, no confront, anger!!! My country has become the playground of some misled idiots who believe that paradise is around the corner, yes once you kill a few good people. No disrespect to the prophet, may he rest where/what state he is in, but there is more to this Life …than killing!
I believe in our Constitution, in what our forefathers formulated on the 15th of August 1947 when we gained our freedom from repression, from slavery, from FEAR!!! I believe that the great warriors of our nation believed in a strong India, in a new India. But, I doubt if they were alive today they would have been even slightly pleased. I look at the so called “Heads” of our governments who sit in their posh houses surrounded with Z securities,to pass rulings which hurt no one but you and me,while the common man is dying of terror attacks. Vote bank politics, fighting over who is the leader of the “Minority”, fighting (literally…we have seen it) with each other in the lower house of parliament….Leaders?????
Where is the job which they have been asked to do??? Were they not supposed to help this country grow??? Make our great nation into what it is destined to be???
Coming back to today!! I wonder if we are safe enough from this mindless violence?? These buggers walked into the Taj Hotel, unnoticed, unquestioned armed with AK-47’s and grenades????? Man that makes my blood boil. Who is responsible for the safety of the city, of the 120 (accounted for on television and 300+ in reality) dead in the mayhem. Are those idiots who are sitting in the parliament done with their “COMMITTEES”? Or they still want to DISCUSS things so that they don’t lose their votes in the upcoming elections.
One British national has died in the attacks and the British government is in uproar. Every attack in the history of terrorism in India leads to hundreds dying, and what does our great government do: discuss issues in committees!!
Come on, we are not some country who has existed since 4000 BC to be facing this day because of these incapable jerks( read- politicians)!!! Today,when I opened the to check the news related to the blasts,there it was…an advertisement for Sheila Dixit’s congress campaign!!! That’s the so called competent MEDIA of this of the largest in the world,yet indifferent…and all set to mint some more money.Switch on the radio…and you get to hear the RJ talking about benefits of Carpooling in disgusts me…to no extent!
What are they going to give to the brave ATS guys who died.. and the hundred innocent others…? A pension, A cheque for 5 Lacs, A bravery award?? Why are they even dead??Just because they decided to protect common people like you and me…just because they were a tad more patriotic than us?
I am ANGRY!!! I am LIVID!!! What do I do??? What do all of us do?sit and probably write some more of these posts…crib over the coffee sessions…and then forget about it in a few days?Today the youth..US.. make up 70% of our population. We are the projected new hope of India. Yet what are you, me, and every single youth of India doing??? Nothing..!
I know, I am sounding like just another cribber, who sits in his plush office and cribs, what can we do?? This country has surely gone for a toss and I would rather leave India and live in the serene surroundings of Switzerland!! Yes,this is what all of us think..and this is the choice we make between improving the state of this country..or enjoying our lives.. I don’t doubt we are the most patriotic people ever in this history, we believe in dedication of Bhagat Singh, in the vision of Sardar Patel, in the might of Subhash Chandra Bose. But what do we do today????
Who is answerable??? I say the politicians.They say the Intelligence,(even the opposition) But sadly, it really is a vicious circle. We are the ones who somewhere are also responsible,simply because we don’t care.We don’t vote,and let one hoarde after the other set of useless ministers get into power and learn to IGNORE.What has our education taught us..and what really is the difference between us and the lakhs of uneducated young men who come in big numbers to support the politician rallies,in a hope to get a square meal for the day,absolutely nothing. And today, I blame everyone ,including myself…and members of my family too, I blame them because I don’t want my country to end this way,I don’t want ruthless and unwanted killings…I want all of us to work towards a peaceful INDIA…which our great freedom fighters left to live the dream they died for!!!
I don’t blog…I never have, this is just a siphon, for my anger, my frustration, my
P.S:-That's Vin..and his thoughts on the Carnage In Mumbai...!
Tam Coc & HaNoi
1 week ago
We all agree its a shameful coward those terrorists are...
Infact yesterday media showed a pic of an image of a man bleeding..but they cudnt even lend his van to take him to hospital...We all can do so much..but we dont want to... ONce we get strong I am sure Police will be forced to answer our questions!!
Appreciate every word you hav written, and I know today each one of us is all red in anger but my points is that how long with this heat last and what change we would be able to bring about in this due time...?
Nothing will happen just by blaming our Netas, becoz if one is a moron then another is a bigger moron, but still our first responsibility is to vote, vote for the one who is least sad one of them, look at US elections the turnout was over 85% this time, while in our country it hardly reaches 50%...this needs to be changed...
Another important change is to enroll each one of us in compulsory military training...i knw there wud be initial no nos on this also...but we hav to device a mechanism of how we can get over such incidents...
Think of more...:)
Nice post...U shud start writing more often...just like the santagirl...
#chirpy:-Shameful is an understatement..Everything around us that has been happening...all around us is freaking everyone out..
Just have a look around at so many of us..who are flaming in anger..yet helpless..suffocated..
i just hope against the hope that our impotent politicians can take a lesson or two from this slap on our face...
#Akash:-All of us are angry yes...the anger will fade away soon yes..and yet again..we may have to face a terror attack..and this time may be a much bigger one..
And amidst all this the "Congresses"and BJP's will continue to bake their political dreams on thousands of dead bodies..and weeping hearts..
I dont know where really are we heading..and i dont know if there is anyone out there ready to listen to what we have to say..
Where are the young like us politicians like Rahul Gandhi and Sachin Pilot..and why the heck are they not using their youth and their education to learn something..and do something..
I dont know if voting is the solution...who do u want me to vote for?mayawati as the next pm...
i'd rather live in an army rule than be ruled by buffoons like that...
Theres so much that can be done..yet..theres nothing we can do...!
Well said Vin.. As u said, its a vicious circle.. What people have to realize is that they too are part of the "system" that everyone is so habituated to blame..
#Urv-yes it is..definitely..and the worst is..that we are so tied and helpless..and tied..
it definitely needs to end..
How?is the question!!
Whatever you wrote is nothing but the harsh reality... still i just don't have it in me to comment on any of it now.. tired of seeing my country bleeding again and again...
Im tired too..and after seeing the news on tv today..i still wonder why dont these terrorists simply go n kill each one of our useless politicians..
im full of disgust for these shameless fellows..who are still baking their mumbai is bleeding...
Army has done its job as it has been doing...but hese politicians let us down all the time...
and then that statement on unikrishnans home...really politicians have no shame.. !
#thearmyguy:-yes ur right..and now all our country needs right now is a military rule...coz nothing else would work!!
Policing the own home state is never easy for the military..specially for the army guys ...wielding power over the people they have sworn to protect..but then as u say... sum times there is no other way... sadly..
#thearmyguy:-u r right..some times theres just no solution..and i guess a wait of 60 years is more than enough..its time we did something harsh enough to wake up a few losers here and there ruling our nation...
thank god for the can vent out anger
No new posts Maa'm??
#thearmyguy:-i have this problem of suffering from writing blocks...but im trying to get over it!!!
i agree wid every single word u have written in this post...its us to blame n no one else...we have to stand up n put our foot fwd...we cant jus sit back n let d country go to dogs (well actually i wud prefer them to our politicians)
loved d intensity of d post...i hope we all can share it n dont let d fire burn out
#mayz:-thanks for droping by...wc to my blog:)
well yes..ur right..if onyl the intensity doesnt die...we could make some difference:)
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